Komunikat për Media

Komunikat për Media

Talin/Estonia, 29 June 2017 – Within the cooperation of the Project for Cases Management Information System (CMIS) for the courts and prosecution and the “Strengthening the efficiency and quality of justice in Kosovo*” (KoSEJ) Project, representatives of the prosecutorial system and of the judicial system of Kosovo, with the support of the KoSEJ Project, are conducting a study visit in Estonia regarding the cybernetics security.

Talin/Estonia, 29 June 2017 – Within the cooperation of the Project for Cases Management Information System (CMIS) for the courts and prosecution and the “Strengthening the efficiency and quality of justice in Kosovo*” (KoSEJ) Project, representatives of the prosecutorial system and of the judicial system of Kosovo, with the support of the KoSEJ Project, are conducting a study visit in Estonia regarding the cybernetics security.

The purpose of this study visit is to get familiar with how the courts and prosecution in Estonia use the information system in their daily work.

Also, they will be informed how Estonia managed to successfully develop and implement such advanced system for a short time period.

During this study visit, the participants of the institutions of justice of the Republic of Kosovo will be informed with the role and activities of the ICT Registry Centre of Estonia, electronic solutions used in the judicial system, “paperless” judicial process – approach towards judicial statistics, digital access to justice and digital court procedures, as well as other practices of electronics system’s functioning of the Estonian justice system. Particular attention was paid to the unique case numbering system and the automatic distribution of cases for courts and prosecution through the electronic system, as similar functions will also be part of the new CMIS system that is being developed in our country.

The participants of this visit were the KJC and KPC senior officials, as well as the court presidents involved in the ICT/CMIS Project.