The Training Committee deals with issues related to the training of judges, including any type of training, and determines the management structure at the Kosovo Judicial Council and the Courts. In exercising its functions, the Committee works closely with the Kosovo Academy of Justice. This Committee performs duties and responsibilities according to the Regulation on Judicial Training adopted by the Council.
According to the above Regulation, the Committee has the authority to conduct the following:
- advise the Council and other relevant institutions on training and other educational programs for judges, lay judges and administrative staff
- coordinate activities related to judicial training at KJC and the courts, including the training needs identification process
- draft and approve Annual Work Plan, and report to the Council where appropriate
- serve as a coordinating body between KJC and the Academy of Justice.
According to the Regulation, judges attend initial training, mandatory continuing training and continuing education. During one calendar year, based on experience, judges must attend training for at least the following time period:
- Judges with over 20 years of working experience as judge – 2 (two) days
1.2. Judges with 10 to 20 years of working experience as judge – 5 (five) days
1.3. Judges with 5 to 10 years of working experience as judge – 6 (six) days
1.4. Judges with 3 to 5 years of working experience as judge – 7 (seven) days
Exceptionally, judges who are 2 (two) years before retirement are exempt from mandatory training.
Secretary of the Training Committee:
Adelina Jusufi
Legal Officer – Kosovo Judicial Council Secretariat
Tel: +383 (0)38 200 17 421