ICT/ CMIS Project begins the CMIS implementation for civil cases in the branches of the following Basic Courts: BC Ferizaj, Gjakova, Gjilan and Pejë

ICT/ CMIS Project begins the CMIS implementation for civil cases in the branches of the following Basic Courts: BC Ferizaj, Gjakova, Gjilan and Pejë

After the successful implementation of the CMIS for civil cases in the Basic Court of Ferizaj, Gjakovë, Gjilan and Pejë, the ICT/ CMIS Project also expanded the implementation of the Case Management Informative System for civil cases at branches of the aforementioned courts.

As part of this activity, the training teams began the staff training and case registration in the CMIS system.
In the Basic Court of Ferizaj – Kaçanik Branch, staff training began on the 6th of May 2019.

In Basic Court of Gjakova – Malisheva Branch, staff training began on the 10th of April 2019. While in Rahovec Branch, staff training began on the 13th of May 2019.

In the Basic Court of Gjilan – Vitia Branch, staff training began on the 8th of May 2019, and

In the Basic Court of Peja – Istog Branch, staff training began on the 13th of May 2019.